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Category:Flag Officers (UK)
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Pages in category "Flag Officers (UK)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,422 total.
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- William Alison Dyke Acland, Second Baronet
- Charles Henry Adair
- Thomas Benjamin Stratton Adair
- John Hughes Adams
- William Leslie Graham Adams
- Albert Percy Addison
- Edward Stanley Adeane
- William Gladstone Agnew
- Henry Compton Aitchison
- William John Standly Alderson
- Pelham Aldrich
- Charles Otway Alexander
- Edwyn Sinclair Alexander-Sinclair, Twelfth Laird of Freswick
- Argentine Hugh Alington
- Arthur Hildebrand Alington
- Hamilton Colclough Allen
- John Derwent Allen
- Reginald Arthur Allenby
- Charles Courtney Anderson
- David Murray Anderson
- Hilary Gustavus Andoe
- William Gerrard Andrewes
- Algernon Horatio Anson
- Charles Eustace Anson
- William John Anstey
- Edmund Walter Anstice
- Robert Hamilton Anstruther
- Charles Ramsay Arbuthnot
- Geoffrey Schomberg Arbuthnot
- Robert Keith Arbuthnot, Fourth Baronet
- Nicholas Edward Archdale
- Ernest Russell Archer
- Stephen Harry Tolson Arliss
- John Garnet Armstrong
- Forster Delafield Arnold-Forster
- William Arthur
- Edward Percy Ashe
- Leslie Haliburton Ashmore
- Edward Astley Astley-Rushton
- George Lambart Atkinson-Willes
- Frederic Newton Attwood
- Francis Murray Austin
- Horatio Thomas Austin
- Henry Evans Freke Aylmer
- Oliver Backhouse
- Roger Roland Charles Backhouse
- Reginald Hugh Spencer Bacon
- Sidney Robert Bailey
- Harold Tom Baillie-Grohman
- John Hugh Bainbridge
- George Henry Baird
- John Kennedy Erskine Baird
- Casper Joseph Baker
- Julian Alleyne Baker
- William Henry Baker-Baker
- Charles John Balfour
- George Ian Mackintosh Balfour
- George Alexander Ballard
- Charles James Barlow
- Geoffrey Barnard
- Thomas Barnardiston
- Arthur Barrow
- Benjamin Wingate Barrow
- Claud Barrington Barry
- Francis Reginald Barry
- Henry Deacon Barry
- Charles Martin-de-Bartolomé
- Ernest Gillbe Barton
- Brian Herbert Fairbairn Barttelot
- Stuart Latham Bateson
- Rowland Henry Bather
- Robert Nesham Bax
- Lewis Bayly
- Henry Compton Anderson Baynes
- Alister Francis Beal
- Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish
- John Edward Bearcroft
- David Richard Beatty, First Earl Beatty
- Charles Pipon Beaty-Pownall
- Francis Beaufort
- Lewis Anthony Beaumont
- Arthur Edward Frederick Bedford
- Denham Maurice Turner Bedford
- Frederick George Denham Bedford
- Robert Beeman
- Varyl Cargill Begg
- Roger Mowbray Bellairs
- Edward Gerald Hyslop Bellars
- Isaac William Trant Beloe
- Cyril Herbert Gordon Benson
- Robert Edmund Ross Benson
- Eric Ritchie Bent
- Rudolf Walter Bentinck
- Charles William de la Poer Beresford, First Baron Beresford
- Vivian Henry Gerald Bernard
- Matthew Robert Best
- Alexander Edward Bethell
- Arthur Kemmis Betty
- Richard Hugh Loraine Bevan
- William York La Roche Beverley
- Oliver Bevir
- Andrew Kennedy Bickford
- Henry Charles Bigge
- Hilary Worthington Biggs
- Edward Barry Stewart Bingham
- Richard Bingham
- Alexander Noel Campbell Bingley
- Thomas Hugh Binney
- Arthur William La Touche Bisset
- Francis Richard Blackburne
- Henry Blackett
- Henry Evelyn Charles Blagrove
- Geoffrey Blake
- John Edric Blaxland
- George Ronald Beddard Blount
- William Frederick Blunt
- Frederick Ross Boardman
- Stuart Sumner Bonham-Carter
- Edward Leonard Booty
- George Holmes Borrett
- Day Hort Bosanquet
- George Stanley Bosanquet
- Edmund George Bourke
- Henry Hugh Bousfield
- Henry Cecil Bovell
- Nathaniel Bowden-Smith
- William Bowden-Smith
- William Sefton Bowman
- Humphrey Wykeham Bowring
- Henry Percy Boxer
- Denis William Boyd
- George Thomas Henry Boyes
- Hector Boyes
- Algernon Douglas Edward Harry Boyle
- Edward Courtney Boyle
- Robert Francis Boyle
- Robert Hornby Boyle
- William Henry Dudley Boyle, Twelfth Earl of Cork and Orrery
- Henry Boys
- Henry Harvey Boys
- John William Brackenbury
- Edward Eden Bradford
- Frederic Cyril Bradley
- Richard Bradshaw
- Lawrence Walter Braithwaite
- Hubert George Brand
- Thomas Seymour Brand
- Thomas Brandreth
- Harry Woodfall Brent
- Arthur Robin Moore Bridge
- Cyprian Arthur George Bridge
- Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman
- Henry Dalrymple Bridges
- Walter Bogue Bridges
- Joseph Ridgway Bridson
- Charles John Briggs
- Eric James Patrick Brind
- Lindesay Brine
- Richard Frederick Britten
- Frederic Edward Errington Brock
- Osmond de Beauvoir Brock
- Charles Gordon Brodie
- Arthur Bromley, Eighth Baronet
- Arthur Charles Burgoyne Bromley
- Basil Charles Barrington Brooke
- Basil Vernon Brooke
- Patrick William Beresford Brooking
- Francis Clifton Brown
- Harold Arthur Brown
- Leslie Newton Brownfield
- Montague Edward Browning
- Douglas Egremont Robert Brownrigg, Fourth Baronet
- Henry John Studholme Brownrigg
- Alan Cameron Bruce
- Henry Harvey Bruce
- James Andrew Thomas Bruce
- Edward Francis Bruen
- Charles William Bruton
- Benjamin Bryant
- Herbert Arthur Buchanan-Wollaston
- Claude Edward Buckle
- Frederick Arthur Buckley
- Peter Noel Buckley
- Douglas Adams Budgen
- Alexander Buller
- Francis Alexander Waddilove Buller
- Henry Tritton Buller
- Geoffrey Frederic Burghard
- Charles Dominick Burke
- Rudolf Miles Burmester
- John Coke Burnell
- Robert Lindsay Burnett
- Cecil Burney, First Baronet
- John Leslie Burr
- Harold Martin Burrough
- James Tobin Bush
- Paul Warner Bush
- Vernon Saumarez Butler
- Mather Byles