Nore Local Defence Flotilla

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The Nore Defence Flotilla was a formation of destroyers and torpedo boats of the Royal Navy.


By mid-1918, the ships in this flotilla were, along with the destroyers of several early classes, approved to receive "alarm circuits".[1]

Test Mobilisation, July 1914

Eleven destroyers and twenty torpedo boats participated in the Test Mobilisation.[2] These vessels were to long comprise the bulk of this formation.

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Coquette Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Lightning Porcupine Recruit Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 10 T.B. 11
T.B. 12 T.B. 17 T.B. 18 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
  T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

September, 1914

Vulture has joined, and a submarine flotilla has been attached. It is now comprised of an eponymous destroyer flotilla of twelve older T.B.Ds, 20 T.Bs. and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[3]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Coquette Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Lightning Porcupine Recruit Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 10 T.B. 11
T.B. 12 T.B. 17 T.B. 18 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
  T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

It would remain in this form until June, 1915.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

June, 1915

Administratively just as before, but Recruit has been dropped after being torpedoed on May 1st, bringing the destroyer strength down to eleven, plus the same 20 T.Bs. and the same six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[10]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Coquette Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Lightning Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 10 T.B. 11
T.B. 12 T.B. 17 T.B. 18 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
  T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

July, 1915

T.B. 10 and T.B. 12 have been dropped as both were mined on 10 June, leaving the flotilla with eleven destroyers, eighteen T.Bs. and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[11]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Coquette Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Lightning Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 11
T.B. 17 T.B. 18 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
  T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

August, 1915

Lightning has been dropped after being mined on 30 June, leaving the flotilla with ten destroyers, eighteen T.Bs. and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[12]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Cynthia Vulture Cygnet Electra
Kestrel Coquette Zephyr Porcupine Fervent
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 11
T.B. 17 T.B. 18 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
  T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

This roster would apply until October.[13]

October, 1915

T.B. 2 has joined from the Newhaven Defence Flotilla.[14] T.B. 17 and T.B. 18 has been dropped for undiscovered reasons, leaving the flotilla with ten destroyers, seventeen T.Bs. and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[15]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Coquette Cygnet Cynthia Electra
Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 11
T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111
T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

This roster would apply until April, 1916.[16][17][18][19][20]

April, 1916

Coquette and T.B. 11 have been dropped after being mined on 7 March. Offsetting these losses in part, patrol boats P15 and P26 have joined, leaving the flotilla with nine destroyers, sixteen T.Bs., two patrol boats and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[21]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P15 P26
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

May, 1916

P29 has replaced P26, leaving the flotilla with nine destroyers, sixteen T.Bs., two patrol boats and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[22]

Destroyer Flotilla
Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P15 P29
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

June, 1916

Fervent has been dropped for unknown reasons, destined to return in August, reducing the flotilla to eight destroyers, sixteen T.Bs., five patrol boats and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[23]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
  Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P15 P26 P27 P28 P29
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6

This roster would apply until August.[24]

August, 1916

Fervent has returned and patrol boats P16 and P20 and gunboat Cockchafer have arrived, bringing the flotilla's strength to nine destroyers, sixteen T.Bs., seven patrol boats, one gunboat and the six submarines of the Fifth Submarine Flotilla.[25]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
  Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 9 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P15 P16 P20 P26 P27 P28
Fifth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats

September, 1916

Patrol boat P13 has joined and T.B. 9 has been dropped after being lost in a collision on 26 July. Zephyr has been dropped for unknown reasons, destined to return in November, but Fervent has returned. These changes brought the flotilla's strength to eight destroyers, fifteen T.Bs., eight patrol boats, one gunboat and the same six submarines, though their flotilla has been newly redesignated the Fourth Submarine Flotilla.[26]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
  Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 6 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P15 P16 P20 P26 P27
P28 P29
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats

October, 1916

P14 has joined while T.B. 6 has left. These changes brought the flotilla's strength to eight destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., nine patrol boats, one gunboat and the six submarines of the Fourth Submarine Flotilla.[27]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
  Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20 P26
  P27 P28 P29
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats

November, 1916

Zephyr has returned, bringing the flotilla's strength to nine destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., nine patrol boats, one gunboat and the six submarines of the Fourth Submarine Flotilla.[28]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20 P26
  P27 P28 P29
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats

This roster would last until January, 1917.[29]

January, 1917

P33 has joined, bringing the flotilla's strength to nine destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., ten patrol boats, one gunboat and the six submarines of Fourth Submarine Flotilla.[30]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Electra
Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20 P26
  P27 P28 P29 P33
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats

This roster would last until February or March (no February Supplement was consulted).

March, 1917

Electra has been dropped, destined to return in one month's time. Submarines {UK-C2}, C 3 and C 4 have left the Fourth Submarine Flotilla, to attach to the Ninth Submarine Flotilla. The Southend Boarding Flotilla is now also operating in support. This brings the flotilla's strength to eight destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., ten patrol boats, one gunboat, three submarines and six boarding vessels.[31]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Brazen Cygnet Cynthia Fervent
  Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20 P26
  P27 P28 P29 P33
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
  C 1 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Louvain

April, 1917

Electra has rejoined, but destroyers Brazen has been dropped, destined to appear in the paravane department of the Portsmouth Defence Flotilla in June, and Cygnet has dropped though she'd return in the coming month. The Southend Boarding Flotilla now has an additional boarding vessel. This brings the flotilla's strength to seven destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., ten patrol boats, one gunboat, three submarines and seven boarding vessels.[32][33]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Cynthia Electra
Fervent Kestrel Porcupine Vulture Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20 P26
  P27 P28 P29 P33
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
  C 1 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Louvain
City of Belfast

May, 1917

Vulture has been removed. Cygnet has rejoined, and T.B. 23 and P26 have been dropped. This brings the flotilla's strength to seven destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., nine patrol boats, one gunboat, three submarines and seven boarding vessels.[34]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19
T.B. 20 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20
  P27 P28 P29 P33
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
  C 1 C 5 C 6
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Louvain
City of Belfast

June, 1917

T.B. 23 has returned to the group. In the attached submarine flotilla, C 6 has been detached to provide "special service" with the Pembroke and Milford Defence Flotilla, and has been replaced by the C 23, drawn from the Ninth Submarine Flotilla.

This brings the flotilla's strength to seven destroyers, fourteen T.Bs., nine patrol boats, one gunboat, three submarines and seven boarding vessels.[35]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20
T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115 T.B. 117
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P16 P20
  P27 P28 P29 P33
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
  C 1 C 5 C 23
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Louvain
City of Belfast

July, 1917

P16 has been dropped, but will reappear in thee next month. P29 and P33 have been dropped, to appear the next month in the Portsmouth Escort Flotilla. T.B. 117 has also been removed, and City of Belfast has left the boarding flotilla, to join the Downs Boarding Flotilla. In the attached submarine flotilla, C 1 has been detached to provide "special service" with the Pembroke and Milford Defence Flotilla, and has been replaced by the C 25, drawn from the Ninth Submarine Flotilla.

This brings the flotilla's strength to seven destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., six patrol boats, one gunboat, three submarines and six boarding vessels.[36][37]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20
T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115
Patrol Boats
P13 P14 P15 P20 P27 P28
Fourth Submarine Flotilla tender to Thames
  C 5 C 23 C 25
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Louvain

August, 1917

P13, P15 and P28 have dropped, but P16 has joined. The Southend Boarding Flotilla has lost Louvain. The Fourth Submarine Flotilla has been disbanded, its vessels now attached to the Ninth Submarine Flotilla. This brings the flotilla's strength to seven destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., four patrol boats, one gunboat and five boarding vessels.[38][39]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20
T.B. 23 T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112
T.B. 113 T.B. 114 T.B. 115
Patrol Boats
P14 P16 P20 P27 P28
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-ChesterIII Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

September, 1917

All the patrol boats have left to join the Portsmouth Escort Flotilla. Destroyers, on the other hand, have been greatly increased. Earnest Panther Seal Thrasher Violet and Vixen have come in from the Seventh Destroyer Flotilla while Zephyr has left, destined to rejoin in December. In the Southend Boarding Flotilla, the Template:UK-Priscilla has joined, replacing Template:UK-ChesterIII.

This brings the flotilla's strength to twelve destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and five boarding vessels.[40][41]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Earnest Panther Seal Thrasher Violet Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Priscilla Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

October, 1917

Vixen has been dropped, destined to rejoin in December. This reduces the flotilla's strength ever so slightly to eleven destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and five boarding vessels.[42][43]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Kestrel Porcupine
Earnest Panther Seal Thrasher Violet
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Priscilla Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

This roster would last until December.[44]

December, 1917

Vixen and Zephyr have rejoined, and Porcupine has vanished to unknown ends. This brings the flotilla's strength to twelve destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and five boarding vessels.[45]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Earnest Electra Fervent Kestrel
align=center|Panther Seal Thrasher Violet Vixen Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Priscilla Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

January, 1918

Template:UK-Priscilla has been dropped from the Southend Boarding Flotilla, going who knows where. This reduces the flotilla's strength to twelve destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and four boarding vessels.[46]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Earnest Electra Fervent Kestrel
align=center|Panther Seal Thrasher Violet Vixen Zephyr
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
  Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

This roster would apply until March.[47]

March, 1918

Earnest, Kestrel, Seal and Zephyr have left to join the Irish Sea Flotilla, reducing the flotilla's strength to eight destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and four boarding vessels.[48]

Destroyer Flotilla
  Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent
  Panther Thrasher Violet Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
  Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

April, 1918

Violet and Panther have left to join the Sixth Destroyer Flotilla, operating as part of the Dover Patrol, further reducing the flotilla's strength to six destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and four boarding vessels.[49]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Thrasher Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
  Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

May, 1918

Template:UK-Aerolite has joined the Southend Boarding Flotilla, bringing the flotilla's strength to six destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and five boarding vessels.[50]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Thrasher Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Aerolite Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI

June, 1918

Template:UK-Rosita has joined the Southend Boarding Flotilla, bringing the flotilla's strength to six destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and six boarding vessels.[51]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Thrasher Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Aerolite Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Template:UK-Rosita

July, 1918

Template:UK-Ironsides has joined the Southend Boarding Flotilla, bringing the flotilla's strength to six destroyers, thirteen T.Bs., one gunboat and seven boarding vessels.[52]

Destroyer Flotilla
Cygnet Cynthia Electra Fervent Thrasher Vixen
Torpedo Boats
T.B. 2 T.B. 7 T.B. 8 T.B. 19 T.B. 20 T.B. 23
T.B. 072 T.B. 079 T.B. 111 T.B. 112 T.B. 113 T.B. 114
T.B. 115
Gun Boats
Southend Boarding Flotilla
Template:UK-Aerolite Template:UK-Ceylon Template:UK-Chichester Template:UK-Codfish Template:UK-ForemostI Template:UK-Ironsides

This roster would apply through the end of the war until things would change dramatically in January, 1919.[53][54][55]

January, 1919

The end of the war seems to have made the old flotilla worthless. The "flotilla" is now a single monitor – Erebus, recently operating with the Dover Patrol – slated to join "shortly", attached to Pembroke.[56]

February, 1919

The Nore now has a defence flotilla of ten much more modern destroyers, nine recently of the Fourth Destroyer Flotilla, except Pigeon of the Second Destroyer Flotilla. Erebus has actually been attached to a Gunnery School at the Nore.[57][58]

Destroyer Flotilla
Nereus Nizam Norseman Obdurate Oberon
Onslow Oriole Orpheus Osiris Pigeon

Captains (D)

Dates of appointment given:


  1. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1917. p. 232.
  2. Admiralty Weekly Order No. 109 of 10 July, 1914.
  3. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September 1914). p. 13.
  4. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (October, 1914). p. 13.
  5. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1914). p. 13.
  6. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1915). p. 13.
  7. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1915). p. 16.
  8. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1915). p. 16.
  9. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (May, 1915). p. 16.
  10. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (June, 1915). p. 17.
  11. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1915). p. 17.
  12. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1915). p. 17.
  13. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September, 1915). p. 17.
  14. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1915). p. 17.
  15. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (October, 1915). p. 17.
  16. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (November, 1915). p. 17.
  17. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1915). p. 17.
  18. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1916). p. 17.
  19. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1916). p. 17.
  20. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1916). p. 17.
  21. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1916). p. 17.
  22. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (May, 1916). p. 17.
  23. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (June, 1916). p. 17.
  24. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1916). p. 17.
  25. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1916). p. 17.
  26. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (September, 1916). p. 17.
  27. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (October, 1916). p. 17.
  28. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (November, 1916). p. 17.
  29. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1916). p. 17.
  30. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1917). p. 17.
  31. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1917). pp. 13, 17.
  32. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1917). p. 17.
  33. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (June, 1917). p. 17.
  34. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (May, 1917). p. 17.
  35. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (June, 1917). pp. 13, 17.
  36. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1917). pp. 13, 15, 18.
  37. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1917). p. 14.
  38. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1917). pp. 13, 15, 18.
  39. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1917). pp. 13, 18.
  40. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1917). pp. 14, 18.
  41. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1917). p. 18.
  42. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (October, 1917). p. 18.
  43. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1917). p. 18.
  44. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (November, 1917). p. 18.
  45. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1917). p. 18.
  46. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1918). p. 18.
  47. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (February, 1918). p. 18.
  48. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (March, 1918). pp. 16, 19.
  49. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (April, 1918). pp. 14, 16.
  50. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (May, 1918). p. 16.
  51. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (June, 1918). p. 16.
  52. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (July, 1918). p. 16.
  53. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (August, 1918). p. 16.
  54. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (November, 1918). p. 16.
  55. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1918). p. 16.
  56. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (January, 1919). p. 16.
  57. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (February, 1919). p. 16.
  58. Supplement to the Monthly Navy List. (December, 1918). p. 17.
  59. The Navy List. (April, 1914). p. 366.


  • Dittmar, F.J.; Colledge, J.J. (1972). British Warships 1914–1919. London: Ian Allan.
  • March, Edgar J. (1966). British Destroyers: A History of Development, 1892-1953. London: Seeley Service & Co. Limited. (on

See Also

British Destroyer Flotillas
First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth
Eleventh | Twelfth | Thirteenth | Fourteenth | Fifteenth | Sixteenth | Seventeenth | Eighteenth | Nineteenth
Twentieth | Twenty-first
Local Defence Flotillas
Clyde | Devonport | Devonport & Falmouth | Falmouth | Firth of Forth | Gibraltar
Liverpool | Mersey | Newhaven | Nore | North Channel | Milford & Pembroke | Pembroke
Portland | Portsmouth | Queenstown