Augustus Willington Shelton Agar

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Captain Augustus Willington Shelton Agar, V.C., D.S.O. (4 January, 1890 – 30 December, 1968) served in the Royal Navy. For much of his career he appears to have gone by the Christian name "Augustine".

For a man who would deliver such personal fortitude in action, his evaluations as a young sailor during the Great War are amongst the most uniformly abysmal to be found.

Life & Career

Born in Kandy, Ceylon, the thirteenth child of J. S. Agar, a tea planter. Agar entered Britannia in May, 1905 after schooling at Framlingham College and Eastman's Naval Academy.[1] In March 1905 he passed 12th in order of merit out of 36 successful candidates at the competitive examination for Naval Cadetships.[2] Accordingly on 15 May he joined the Britannia. He gained two months' sea time on passing out in September 1906, and placed 34th out of 41 cadets. He took a third class in the Part I examination, and second classes in Seamanship and Gunnery, and Navigation and Steam. He did take the second prize in Divinity, however.[3]

Agar was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant on 30 June, 1912.[4]

In mid-1913, he was evaluated by Lieutenant-Commander Lawrie of Ruby as being "Capable when he tries but at times shows lack of interest."[5]

Agar served in the battleship Hibernia early in the war, and then at Gallipoli.

In mid 1916, Captain Haggard evaluated Agar as "Clever but unreliable. Apt to do foolish things. Deaf one ear." At the end of the year, the same officer again recorded, "Clever but unreliable."[6]

In early 1918, Lieutenant-Commander Parker wrote that Agar was "[h]ardworking at times spasmodic. not tactful. violent temper. conceited but good knowledge at bottom. Better when older."[7]

On 17 June, 1919, Agar led two Coastal Motor Boats in infiltrating Kronstadt harbour to attack Bolshevik naval assets. When mechanical difficulties afflicted one of the boats, Agar continued his mission in C.M.B. 4 and succeeded in torpedoing and sinking the protected cruiser Oleg despite suffering a motor breakdown that obliged him to stop at a breakwater to effect repairs for fully twenty minutes while in clear view of the enemy. Agar was awarded the Victoria Cross for his audacious success.

Agar was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Commander on 30 June, 1920.[8]

Agar was promoted to the rank of Commander on 31 December, 1925.[9]

Agar was promoted to the rank of Captain on 31 December, 1933.[10]

Admiral Sir Edward R. G. R. Evans noted in 1939:

This Officer has only been under my command in harbour & although I have done my best to assess him, it is rather on my knowledge of him during my career, when I have seen him & his work, that I have done so. He is definitely impulsive, but a good leader & has moral courage. Rather inclined to be dramatic but has plenty of character & takes correction & advice well.

According to his service record, in 1939 he applied to retire and then withdrew the application. He makes no mention of the incident in his memoirs.

World War II

Rear-Admiral Lancelot E. Holland wrote of him in 1940:

An officer with rather an unusual temperament. He is at his best in war time and is always eager to take on any enterprise or hard work. Inclined to be obstinate but I have always found him to be most loyal and helpful.

On 25 November he was appointed Chief Staff Officer to Rear-Admiral, Coastal Forces. On 27 July 1941 Rear-Admiral Piers K. Kekewich wrote on Agar's leaving the command:

This officer has worked for some eight months with me & he has thrown all his energies into that work. He is essentially a man of action & as such he has undoubtedly found serving under a retired Officer with an R.N.V.R. staff to be trying. He has the gift of a vivid imagination; but the ideas sometimes come so quick that he does not have time to put them all into operation. He has the highest ideal, but sometimes fails to temper them with a realisation of the practical possibility. He has a great personal charm, & a manner so courteous that those who do not understand him may think him unsociable. His right place is on the Bridge of one of H.M. Ships seeking the enemy, and it is there that his great potentialities will find their fullest scope. (I have shown this report to Captain Agar).

He was given command of the heavy cruiser Dorsetshire on 8 August. Agar was mentioned in despatches on 8 April 1942 for good services when Dorsetshire and Cornwall were sunk by Japanese aircraft in the Indian Ocean. On 11 June Vice-Admiral Sir Geoffrey S. Arbuthnot, Commander-in-Chief East Indies, wrote:

Agar is an enthusiast, gifted with his pen, well read, artistic. Most definitely not cast in the usual mould of Naval Officer, without serious disparagement I should describe him as slightly eccentric. In an emergency an outstanding leader of men, but in every day affairs his seniors note the slightly eccentric streak in his make-up and it is this which makes it difficult for them to place entire reliance in him. He had a good ship in DORSETSHIRE. Age & responsibility should bring out the best in this gallant officer.

In October Admiral Sir James F. Somerville reported:

I did not have opportunity, during the short period this Officer was under my orders, to assess his qualities under Section II. His gallantry and determination are unquestionable but he appears to me to be very highly strung, rather temperamental and inclined to be erratic. I shall require more experience of this officer before I could recommend him as being fit for Flag Rank.


Agar died on 30 December 1968 aged 78. Ina Agar died on 3 December 1992.

See Also


  • Obituary. The Times of London Wednesday, Jan 01, 1969; pg. 10; Issue 57447.
  • Agar, Captain Augustus, V.C., R.N. (1959). Footprints in the Sea. London: Evans Brothers Limited.

Naval Appointments
Preceded by
Ralph Kerr
Captain of H.M.S. Witch
22 Apr, 1926[11] – 1927
Succeeded by
Eric P. Vivian
Preceded by
New Command
Captain of H.M.S. Scarborough
30 Sep, 1930[12]
Succeeded by
The Hon. Oswald W. Cornwallis
Preceded by
Charles E. S. Farrant
Captain of H.M.S. Curlew
9 Jan, 1936[13] – 14 Oct, 1936[14]
Succeeded by
Russell H. McBean
Preceded by
Tom O. Bulteel
Captain of H.M.S. Emerald
15 Jan, 1937[15][16] – 1 Jun, 1940[17]
Succeeded by
Francis C. Flynn
Preceded by
Thomas E. Halsey
Captain of H.M.S. Malcolm
25 Jun, 1940[18] – 13 Jul, 1940[19]
Succeeded by
Thomas E. Halsey
Preceded by
George F. Stevens-Guille
Captain (D), First Destroyer Flotilla
25 Jun, 1940[20] – 13 Jul, 1940[21]
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Benjamin C. S. Martin
Captain of H.M.S. Dorsetshire
Aug, 1941[22] – 5 Apr, 1942[23]
Succeeded by
Vessel Lost


  1. "Obituary." The Times (London, England), Wednesday, Jan 01, 1969; pg. 10; Issue 57447.
  2. "Cadetships in the Royal Navy." The Times (London, England), Thursday, Apr. 20, 1905; pg. 8; Issue 37686.
  3. "Naval and Military Intelligence." The Times (London, England), Wednesday, Sept. 05, 1906; pg. 3; Issue 38117.
  4. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  5. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  6. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  7. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  8. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  9. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  10. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  11. The Navy List. (July, 1927). p. 290.
  12. The Navy List. (January, 1933). p. 271.
  13. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  14. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  15. The Navy List. (July, 1937). p. 236.
  16. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  17. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  18. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  19. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  20. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  21. Agar Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/52/301. f. 656.
  22. Mackie, Colin. ROYAL NAVY WARSHIPS.
  23. Mackie, Colin. ROYAL NAVY WARSHIPS.