Order in Council of 14 May, 1914

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The Order in Council of 14 May, 1914 established the commissioned rank of Engineer Lieutenant-Commander in the Royal Navy.

Order in Council

WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Memorial from the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, dated the 11th day of March, 1914, in the words following, viz:—

"WHEREAS Your Majesty by Your Order in Council bearing date the ninth day of March, 1914, was graciously pleased to sanction the establishment of the substantive rank of Lieutenant-Commander to replace that of Lieutenant of eight years's seniority in Your Majesty's Fleet:

"And whereas we consider it desirable that the rank of Engineer-Lieutenant-Commander should be similarly established to replace that of Engineer-Lieutenant of corresponding seniority; to be limited to Engineer-Lieutenants of 8 years' seniority, duly qualified and selected:

"We beg leave humbly to recommend that Your Majesty may be graciously pleased by Your Order in Council to sanction the establishment of the rank of Engineer-Lieutenant-Commander accordingly with effect from the 1st April, 1914.

"The Lords Commissioners of Your Majesty's Treasury have signified their concurrence in this proposal."

HIS MAJESTY, having taken the said Memorial into consideration, was pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to approve of what is therein proposed. And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.

