Bonham Bax Papers at the National Maritime Museum

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A list of the papers of Captain Bonham Ward Bax in the possession of the National Maritime Museum, London.

The papers were presented by Admiral Robert Nesham Bax in 1964. They consist of Captain B. W. Bax's logs of the DWARF, 1871 to 1874, and his letterbook in the SYLVIA.


Journal kept on HMS DWARF. 1871-07-18 through 1873-03-25


Journal kept on HMS DWARF. 1873-03-31 through 1874-08-10


Plan of the Upper waters of the river with the present channel from the anchorage to the city and also to You-en-kee [Nantai Island, China]. By Cmdr Bax assisted by Sub Lt Daniell Ney-s [Smith?], HMS DWARF, March 1873.

This item requires specialist conservation treatment and is currently unfit for production. Please contact staff for further information. 1873-03-31 through 1874-08-10

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