Drake Class Cruiser (1901)
Fire Control
Evershed Bearing Indicators
Gunnery Control
Control Positions
Control Groups
Main Battery
Secondary Battery
Torpedo Control
Transmitting Stations
Dreyer Table
These ships never received Dreyer tables.[1]
Shipwide Network
King Alfred differed from the other 3 ships in the class by having Barr and Stroud Mark II instruments for range and rate, B & S Mark I for orders, and Vickers instruments for deflection. The other three ships appear to have had Vickers instruments throughout except for Barr and Stroud rate instruments.[2]
The Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1909 lists the equipment on this class (and seems to mean only King Alfred unless the small table is being imprecise with types of instruments) as:[3]
- Range (B. & S. Mark II): 6 transmitters, 33 receivers
- Orders (B. & S. Mark I): 6 transmitters, 20 receivers
- Rate (B. & S. Mark II): 4 transmitters, 8 receivers
- Deflection (Vickers): 6 transmitters, 27 receivers
Additionally, this class had the following Siemens fire control equipment:[4]
- Group Switches: 3 (converted by Chatham)
- Turret fire gongs: 4 with 2 keys
- Fire Gongs: 16 with 4 keys
- Captain's Cease Fire Bells: 20 with 1 key
These ships lacked Target Visible and Gun Ready signals.[5]
See Also
Admiralty, Gunnery Branch (1914). Handbook for Fire Control Instruments, 1914. G. 01627/14. C.B. 1030. Copy 1235 at The National Archives. ADM 186/191. Template:BibBrooksDreadnoughtGunnery Template:BibUKDirectorFiringHandbook1917 Template:BibUKDreyerTableHandbook1918