Gunnery in the Grand Fleet

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Churchill noted in a memorandum of May, 1915, "Every nerve should be strained to increase the supply of naval ammunition, as the expenditure in a Fleet battle at long range may be very large."[1]

Battle Fleet

It must be clearly understood that under no circumstances is fire to be withheld for the purposes of obtaining a 'plot'; it should not even be delayed for rangefinder ranges if there is the smallest possibility of disadvantage resulting from the delay.

Battle Cruisers

On 24 February, 1915, Chatfield wrote to Captain Phillimore of Inflexible that, "Whoever gets the biggest volume of fire, short or hitting, will gain the ascendancy and keep it as the other fellow can't see to reply."[2]


On 12 June, 1915 the Battle Fleet and Cruiser Squadrons carried out target practice. Commander the Hon. Matthew R. Best noted in his journal, "Warspte & QE salvoes were delightful to watch. Mackinnon spread about 200 [yards] with ½ charges at 12000 [yards].[3]


  1. Churchill. The World Crisis. II. p. 1412.
  2. Acheson Papers. Imperial War Museum. IWM 1617 P160. Quoted in Gordon. Rules of the Game. p. 47.
  3. Commander Matthew Best's notebook entry for 12 June, 1915. Liddle Collection. University of Leeds. RNMN/BEST. Box 1. Volume III.

Primary Sources