The Cruiser in the Royal Navy

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Protected Cruiser

Armoured Cruiser


In an Admiralty Weekly Order of 31 January, 1913, it was announced that henceforth all vessels hitherto classified as Armoured Cruisers and Protected Cruisers First Class would be designated as "Cruisers". Protected Cruisers Second and Third Class, Unarmoured Cruisers and Scouts were to be designated "Light Cruisers." The term "Battle Cruiser" continued to be used as before. The three classes of warship were then "grouped tactically and administratively in— (a) Battle Cruiser Squadrons. (b) Cruiser Squadrons. (c) Light Cruiser Squadrons."[1]


  1. The National Archives. ADM 1/8327. My thanks to Dr. John Brooks for a copy of this document.
