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[[Category:Battle of Jutland Reports of Proceedings|3 Light Cruiser Squadron]]
[[Category:Battle of Jutland Reports of Proceedings]]
[[Category:Battle of Jutland]]

Revision as of 14:46, 15 October 2013

On 7 June, 1916, Vice-Admiral Beatty asked the light cruiser squadrons that had operated with him to submit a report of the recent Battle of Jutland. Rear-Admiral Trevylyan Napier of the Third Light Cruiser Squadron replied on 10 June,[1] forwarding reports of his own Falmouth, as well as Birkenhead, promising to supply data from Chester later, presumably because she'd been so badly mauled. Chatham was "not applicable", as she had struck a mine and was under repair and so missed the battle.

For some reason, Yarmouth and Gloucester reports were noted as "Blank".

H.M.S. Falmouth

The Captain's report was promptly offered on 9 June, noting that, "no consecutive records were kept in either control or transmitting stations, but notes were made when possible of ranges, rates, &c., ... The times given are taken from notes taken from the Bridge."

Time (approx) Bearing Range Deflection Remarks
from to from to
6.07 pm Bow 9700 8100 18R 28R Light cruiser
Before beam 8100 5800 28R 38R Target disabled and stopped.
Beam 5800 4600 38R 28R
Abaft beam 4600 5400 28R 22R Target in sinking condition. Ceased fire.
6.15 pm
6.30 pm
Beam 6000 6600 8R zero Battle cruiser
Before beam 6000 9100 zero 8R Light cruiser
On fire aft.Enemy driven off.
Lost in mist.
Abaft beam 5200 6100 zero 8R Battle cruiser
Enemy turned away.
Lost to sight.
8.18 pm
8.38 pm
Beam 9600 6000 zero 8L Light cruiser Z1
Very indistinct owing to dusk.
Beam 6000 9300 8L zero
Beam 9300 9600 zero zero Light cruiser Z2
Beam 9800 10200 zero 10R Light cruiser Z1
Enemy turned away and disappeared.

H.M.S. Birkenhead

The Captain replied on 9 June from records kept in Control and Transmitting Stations.

6.5 p.m. Opened fire on enemy light cruiser (probably Wiesbaden class) at about Green 55, enemy heading about NW. Visibility increased at this moment and the sun could be seen shining on enemy's starboard side. She was stopped or going slow.

  Opening Range 8000. Rate 500 closing.
Down 800.
Up 200.
"Straddle", in line with foremost funnel.

Enemy had foremost gun still in action, order "Right 4" was therefore given and a "straddle" obtained in line with foremost gun. A fire broke out on enemy's forecastle. Eight or nine salvoes were fired and hits obtained at each salvo after the first two.

Several ships were firing at the same enemy, bu by the use of the time of flight watch, our own salvoes could be easily distinguished. "Overs" could be seen.[2]

The Officer in the after control observed an enemy destroyer on the light cruiser's port quarter, firing on gun at Birkenhead. This destroyer was not noticed on Fore Bridge or on Fore Top.

Minimum range used 4500 yards.

Fire was ceased when ships astern started engaging the enemy, all her guns had then ceased firing and an officer in the battery, afterward reported seeing her flag hauled down.

6.24.p.m. Birkenhead was about to fire a torpedo from the starboard tube at an enemy Battle Cruiser, when it was observed that the range of the 3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron was being fouled. Birkenhead therefore altered course, thereby losing the opportunity.

6.25.p.m. Engaged enemy Battle Cruiser of Lutzow class at about Green 100, range about 8000 yards. There were two enemy Battle Cruisers in company, the second being of Seidlitz [sic] or Moltke class, and some of the guns fired at the wrong target. Both were rendered very indistinct by their own funnel and gun smoke. Only three or four salvoes were fired and fall of shot could not be seen.

Enemy ships at this time appeared to be firing at 3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron, which was ahead of Birkenhead — a good many shots appeared to be missing for direction.

6.34.p.m. Mined were reported on starboard bow, but it is thought they were fisherman's bladders.

6.35.p.m. Observed Invincible enveloped in a cloud of smoke. Birkenhead was at the time about 1500 yards on her port quarter. A salvo of 5 rounds had been observed to pitch over Invincible and a second one of 3 rounds just over before the cloud of smoke started to rise. Before the next astern reached the spot, the smoke had cleared away, and only the bow and stern were seen above water, the ship apparently having broken in two amidships.

At almost the same time as Invincible blew up, a torpedo passed ahead of Birkenhead. Course of torpedo about NE.

8.20.p.m. While on port bow of Falmouth (3rd L.C.Squadron ahead of B.C.Fleet), observed her to be under fire. Birkenhead altered course 32 points to get in line and to get clear of the rest of the Squadron's smoke. Observed smoke of enemy's ships apparently being covered by a destroyer smoke screen.

An attempt was made to open fire, but the gunlayers could see nothing to fire at and only two rounds were fired.

The firing of Falmouth was of very short duration.

See Also


  1. Beatty Papers at the National Maritime Museum. (BTY 6/6), item 6.
  2. It is rare that men reported being able to see "overs".
