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==Early Career==
The sixth ''Delaware'' (BB-28) was launched [[6 February]], [[1909]] by [[Newport News Shipbuilding Company]], Newport News, Virginia; sponsored by Mrs. A.P. Cahall, niece of the Governor of Delaware; and commissioned [[4 April]], [[1910]], Captain [[Charles Augustus Gove|C.A. Gove]] in command.
After visiting Wilmington, Delaware, from 3 to [[9 October]], [[1910]], to receive a gift of a silver service from the state, Delaware sailed from [[Hampton Roads]] [[1 November]] with the [[First Division, Atlantic Fleet]], to visit Weymouth, England, and Cherbourg, France, and after battle practice at [[Guantanamo Bay]], Cuba, returned to Norfolk [[18 January]], [[1911]].  She departed [[31 January]] to carry the remains of Chilean Minister Cruz to Valparaiso, sailing by way of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Punta Arenas, Chile.  Returning to New York [[5 May]], she sailed [[4 June]] for Portsmouth, England, where from 19 to [[28 June]] she took part in the fleet review accompanying the coronation of King George V.
In her operations with the Fleet from 1912 to 1917, ''Delaware'' joined in exercises, drills, and torpedo practice at Rockport and Provincetown, Massachussetts; engaged in special experimental firing and target practice at Lynnhaven Roads; trained in Cuban waters participating in fleet exercises; and provided summer training for midshipmen.  She passed before President Taft and the Secretary of the Navy in the Naval Review of [[14 October]], [[1912]] and the next year visited Villefranche, France, while on a cruise with battleships [[USS Wyoming (1911)|''Wyoming'']] (BB-32) and [[USS Utah (1909)|''Utah'']] (BB-31).  In 1914 and again in 1916 she cruised off [[Vera Cruz]] to protect American lives and property during the political disturbances in Mexico.
==First World War==
With the outbreak of the First World War in Europe, ''Delaware'' returned to Hampton Roads from winter manœuvres in the Caribbean to train armed guard crews and engineers, as well as join in exercises to ready the Fleet for war.  On [[25 November]], [[1917]] she sailed from Lynnhaven Roads with Division 9, bound for [[Scapa Flow]], Scotland.  After battling bad weather in the North Atlantic, she joined the [[Sixth Battle Squadron (United States Navy)|Sixth Battle Squadron]], [[British Grand Fleet]] 14 December for exercises to coördinate the operations of the Allied force.
The Sixth Battle Squadron got underway [[6 February]], [[1918]] with an escort of eight British destroyers to convoy a large group of merchant ships to Norway.  Cruising off Stavanger two days later, Delaware was attacked twice by a submarine, but each time skillful handling enabled the battleship to evade the torpedoes.  The squadron returned to its home base at Scapa Flow, [[10 February]].  ''Delaware'' participated in two more convoy voyages in March and April, then sailed with the Grand Fleet on [[24 April]] to reinforce the [[Second Battle Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Second Battle Cruiser Squadron]] which was on convoy duty and expected contact with the enemy.  Only the vessels of the advance screen made any contact, and the chance for action faded.
From [[30 June]] to [[2 July]], [[1918]] the Sixth Battle Squadron, with a division of British destroyers as escort, went to sea to screen American ships laying the [[North Sea Mine Barrage]]. On [[22 July]] George V inspected the ships of the Grand Fleet at [[Rosyth]], and 8 days later, after being relieved by ''Arkansas'' (BB-33), ''Delaware'' sailed for [[Hampton Roads]], arriving [[12 August]].
''Delaware'' remained at York River until [[12 November]], [[1918]], then sailed to Boston Navy Yard for an overhaul. On [[11 March]], [[1919]] she joined the Fleet in Cuban waters for exercises.  Returning to New York [[14 April]] she continued to operate in division, squadron and fleet manœuvres, and participated in the Presidential Fleet Review at Hampton Roads [[28 April]], [[1921]].  She made two midshipmen practice cruises, one to Colon, Martinique, and other ports in the Caribbean, and to Halifax, Nova Scotia between [[5 June]] and [[31 August]] [[1922]]; and a second to Europe, visiting Copenhagen, Greenock, Cadix, and Gibraltar between [[9 July]] and [[29 August]], [[1928]].
''Delaware'' entered [[Norfolk Navy Yard]] [[30 August]], [[1923]], and her crew was transferred to ''Colorado'' (BB-45), a newly commissioned battleship assigned to replace ''Delaware'' in the Fleet.  Moving to [[Boston Navy Yard]] in September, she was stripped of warlike equipment and decommissioned [[10 November]], [[1928]].  ''Delaware'' was sold [[5 February]], [[1924]] and scrapped in accordance with the Washington Treaty on the limitation of armaments.
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Revision as of 15:45, 13 December 2009



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