“Free the Turret”
When both telltales show ‘Breech Closed’ the 2nd Captain of Turret raises the outside bolt.
No 3 of the right gun then raises the inside bolt and reports ‘Turret Free’.
“Run Out”
1 runs the gun out and lays it (rotates it in elevation) roughly horizontally
“Simultaneous Firing – x Knots right (or left) deflection yyyy yards”
Captain of Turret and 3 of the left gun adjust their sights to establish the correct angle between the sights and the guns.
“Insert the Tube”
2 inserts a tube (which contains an electrically fired composition that ignites the main charge) into a receiver on the breech
“Train and lay both Guns”
The Captain of Turret trains the turret and aligns the sights of the right gun with the object.
3 of the left gun keeps the opposite gun to correspond for elevation by his sights.
“Bring both Guns to the Ready”
2 puts switch to ‘On’, completing the safety loop of the firing circuit.
1 reports ‘Left Gun Ready’
When both guns are reported ‘Ready’, the Captain of Turret places his hand on the firing pistol grip and reports ‘Ready’
“Fire both Guns”
The Captain of Turret fires at his own discretion, and removes his hand from the pistol grip.
2 then puts the switch to ‘Off’